Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1, 2016

  I'm so stoked.  I've been waiting for this month since June, when I decided I wasn't going to be able to the NaNo in July.  And what am I doing?  BLOGGING!
  No worries, it counts.  It's words in the month of November, even if it isn't part of the book itself.  It does revolve around the book.  I'm counting it.
  So, today, I've already checked my emails and FB (not necessary except it's about the only socialization I get during the month.)  The FB does have a daily time restriction on it and I'm already past my allotment.  I won't be able to go back today.  I've gone to the NaNo website and read the inspirational threads that I'm following and the one I started.  I made some comments and I checked my chart to see how I'm doing on word count (It sits at zero currently... nothing like a blank page to inspire all the things you could possibly do this month!)  I've written in my writing journal (where I talk about plot and plans--sorry, I can't share that here....) and yes, I'm counting those words as well.  NaNo word count isn't an exact science.
  I have my document set up.  After I'm done here, I'm going to build my running outline.  As I get scenes written, the spot on the outline gets removed.  That way, I can always see what's next.  As I get an idea, I add it to the running outline.
  I also have my music up and running (I need a hero, I'm holding out for a hero).  Later on today (after I take a break and walk the dog at 9:00), I'll switch the background noise to a movie.  After lunch, I'll move up into my loft and write there all afternoon to some different tunes.
  Today, there's a NaNo write-in at the library late in the afternoon.  I'll head over there about 4.  A write-in is where other NaNos get together with whatever they're using to write (usually a laptop but I've seen paper and pencil) and we sit around a table and write.  Occasionally, there's conversation, but not much.  This evening, the area is having a kickoff/writing party at a local restaurant.  I'll be there as well!
  This is so cool.  I love November.
  I'll check in with you tomorrow!!

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