Good morning.
I received my approval back from CreateSpace again. My letters on my spine were .02" too big. So, they resized it and moved the spine so it was centered. Uh, yeah. It's off.
I know why, I had my overall measurements for the whole cover a 1/8" too small (as opposed to 1/8" too big yesterday). Therefore, my centerline was off. As far as my lettering being too big, I don't think I changed it but maybe I did. Anyway, I'll have to fix it and upload the file again. So, I won't be able to order a proof book until tomorrow, if everything meets muster.
Yesterday, I managed to get some re-writing done, about 4000 words. I feel more accomplished when I'm able to do that. I realize formatting by text and getting my cover just right is progress, but for whatever reason, I feel I need to be writing everyday.
Because of that, I've changed how I'm organizing my day. I'm treating it like it's a job and I'm devoting at least eight hours a day to it. I'm getting ready for work every morning, like I would if I were leaving the house, make-up, earrings, etc. I'm dressing like I would be in a casual office, no more t-shirts and shorts. And I'm taking breaks every two hours, two 15 min and a lunch.
The first two hours of the morning, I take care of business type stuff, answering emails, blogging and calling people if I need to. Whatever I get done during that time is what I get done. If it's still there after two hours, it goes on tomorrow's list. Two hours a day to work on things like corrections, editing, covers, formatting, etc. Four hours to do creative things like first draft or re-writing.
I see a few difficulties with this, like on days when I need to go to the store or when there's an activity the kids need me to go to such as a cross country meet or back to school night. So, I'm planning on doing this six days a week. The kids will have to help clean the house (they should anyway) and I'll go do mom/wife things when I supposed to. I'm hoping this will still allow me to get forty hours of work in a week. I'm guessing it will be more, because that's how it's been.
I'll check in tomorrow. Have a good day!
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